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My Roles
  • Creative Direction

  • UX Direction

  • Branding

  • Instagram Account & Posts

  • Monthly Content Calendars

  • Artist Interviews

  • Experiential Ideas

  • Social Ads


Whataburger fans are some of the most loyal brand fans. At McGarrah Jessee, we uncovered that this brand passion was being channeled through self expression into artwork posted all over the Internet. We discovered hundreds of unique and beautiful pieces of Whataburger art created by a diverse group of talented artists, all inspired by Whataburger. We wanted to celebrate this passion in order to inspire a new generation of Whataburger fans.


We did what any trusted brand partner would do and created a space for these artists to showcase their passions: The Whataburger Museum of Art. The first and only Whataburger fan art museum made by the fans and for the fans.

Launched during the pandemic, the museum's first iteration takes place virtually as an Instagram account. The account acts like a museum, housing curated artwork, artist interviews, curator's notes, collections and an open call for submissions.

See The WMOA on Instagram

The Art

With so much fan art to choose from, the launch process entailed curating the most unique pieces and talented artists.

The Artists

We aim to not only share the art but to also foster a sense of community by uplifting the artists behind the art. To do so, we interviewed each artist via zoom and created an artist bio series.

Promoting the Museum